Year (field_media_year)
  • Fig. 22: Kołomyjka, 1895

    Teodor Axentowicz: Kołomyjka, 1895. Oil on canvas, 85 x 112.5 cm, inv. no. MP 359 MNW, National Museum of Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
  • Beaks

    2015, Glazed ceramics, stone, steel, dimensions variable, Installation view: Rejected Truths
  • Who conquers the World

    Kulik, Zofia (*1947 Breslau/Wrocław, lives in Łomianki-Dąbrowa). Multipart black and white photograph, 302.5 x 656.5 cm; Inv. no. 3276.
  • A stained glass painting in the Landshut town hall.

    Window in the main staircase. They depict George the Rich and Hedwig of Poland.
  • The fascinating beauty of the Canale Grande

    Watercolour painting.
  • Prof. Chris Nowicki

    Master of mezzotint
  • Ohne Titel

    Pinselzeichnung, Tusche auf Papier, 22 x 17 cm, 2020
  • ill. 14a: 100 Kilometres

    Strips of synthetic material, metal, W = 1250 cm, H = 1300 cm, D = 3000 cm. Kunstkirche Christ-König, Bochum, Danuta Karsten exhibition: 100 Kilometres.
  • ill. 9/15: Jacobus Belsen (1870-1937): How Herr Hitler takes the word “legal” into his mouth

    In: Der wahre Jakob, 53rd, no. 5, Berlin 27.2.1932, Rear page.
  • Head of an Arab

  • Fig. 4: “Divided Landscape, Created Landscape” (Geteilte Landschaft, gestaltete Landschaft) 19, 1983

    Black ink, gouache on paper, 25x32 cm, private collection
  • Left-hand side window in the left side choir

    Presentation of Mary in the temple
  • ill. 16a: reKonstruktion, inside view

    In the Pomona Temple, Belvedere, Potsdam; built in 1800 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, rebuilt after war destruction in 1992/93, restored in 2009.
  • ill. 1: Katarzyna Kobro: Female nude

    Gypsum, 29 x 23.5 x 29 cm. Museum Jerke, Bochum.
  • ill. 6: untitled, 1997

    untitled, 1997. Maple, 463 x 125 x 15 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 36: “Coming, Becoming, Going” (Kommen, werden, gehen) 15, 1993

    Black ink on paper, 42x29.5 cm, private collection
  • ill. 13: Ryszard Waśko: Black Film No. 3

    Oil and mixed technique on canvas. Private owner. Courtesy Galerie m Bochum.
  • ill. 19: untitled, 2000

    untitled, 2000. Maple, 120 x 120 x 36 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 49: “Departure, Exodus” (Fortgang, Exodus) 61, 2000

    Black ink on paper, 32x41 cm, private collection
  • ill. 10a: QUERY

    Detailed view. An on-site, online art project. PVC balloon, helium, Ø = 200 cm high = 400 cm. Premiere: St. Luke’s Church, Munich 2009.