Year (field_media_year)
  • Dom Polski in Bochum

    At Kortländer 6 with a waiting crowd
  • Kugelschreiber mit Senderlogos

    Von Multikulti über Funkhaus Europa bis COSMO. Berlin, 2019
  • Fig. 8: Sanatorium Hoffmann, Kierling

    The building where Franz Kafka died: the former Sanatorium Hoffmann, Kierling bei Klosterneuburg, Tulln district, Lower Austria
  • Ill. 2a: The Arnolfini Wedding after Jan van Eyck

    Private collection. Metal, glass, dog: 43 x 48 x 26 cm, shoes: 15 x 38 x 35 cm.
  • ill. 15: Group photo against the backdrop of Maczków

    J. Szajna in the centre; left: Janusz Urban, right: n.n.
  • “Domek 08”

    From the series “Domek”, 2007-2009, Inkjet photo print, 60 x 90 cm (Edition: 5+3 artist’s prints)
  • Die Stolpersteine für Esther (Berta) und Herschel Grünspan (Grynszpan)

    Hannover an der Burgstraße 36, 2015
  • The new Catholic church in Herne-Röhlinghausen

    Rear view, 2023
  • Flyer 1830 p. 12-13

    The Appeal of a Silesian Soldier to his Silesian Comrades before the march to the Polish border.
  • With Yehudi Menuhin in New York

    Taken by a photographer from the record company RCA Victor Record Division. With a handwritten dedication by Landowska.
  • New Synagogue of Breslau

  • ill. 72a: Bergedorf Memorial, 2012

    Bergedorf Memorial, 2012. To the memory of the forced labourers of the Nazi rule in Bergedorf, on the initiative of the AG Gedenken, Schleusengraben-Promenade am Kampdeich in Hamburg-Bergedorf, concre...
  • Berlin-Plötzensee memorial site

    Information panel about a Polish couple from near Konin sentenced to death for providing assistance to a Russian prisoner of war
  • Dorota Danielewicz in the Funkhaus Europa studio

    RBB Berlin, 1999
  • ill. 13a: Untitled

    Paper, nylon string, glue, ca. 66,000 paper cards, each 2 x 7 cm, H = 700 cm, W = 800 cm, D = 800 cm, Atrium im Dominohaus, Reutlingen, Danuta Karsten exhibition: Papier bewegt.
  • Marek Hłasko - Polish writer

    The photo was taken at an interview shortly before he travelled to Israel on 20th January 1959.
  • Vistula Bridge, built by Heinrich Humke's father

    Enabled a railway connection from Gdansk to East Prussia.
  • Erst die Moral, dann das Essen, 1982

    A calendar dedicated to Poland in the 1980s. Publisher: Dirk Nishen. Dirk was an active supporter of the Solidarność working group in its infancy. He spent some of the earnings from the sale of calend...
  • Fig. 28: Memorial panel for Walter Jungleib

    Memorial panel for Walter Jungleib from Hlohovec, rose garden at the Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg