Year (field_media_year)
  • Ill. 5: Country house with chapel near Oliva

    Collotype, from: From Berlin to Gdansk.
  • Anna Gawlikowska, 2014

    “Gabrielle II”, linoleum cut, 74 x 72 cm
  • Jüdischer Friedhof Hannover-Bothfeld

  • Florence

    Watercolour painting. "Jedne z wielu pożytecznych wakacji" [One of many useful holidays].
  • Fig. 21: “Meetings on the Road (III)” (Begegnungen unterwegs) 3, 2013

    Black, white ink, gouache on paper, 29x40 cm, private collection
  • Telegram with the allegory of Poland, 1925

    Telegram with the allegory of Poland, autotype, 1925.
  • Ill. 37: Daniel Dilger, 1648

    After a painting by Salomon Wegner, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.
  • Darsteller:innen mit Masken und Puppen

    Von links: Andrzej Kowalik, Halina Tramba-Kowalik, Krzysztof Zastawny, Jacek Głaszcz
  • Agata Madejska, Simon says, 2018

    Agata Madejska, Simon says, 2018, coated aluminium, dimensions variable. Installation view, Modified Limited Hangout, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, 2018.
  • Ill. 41: Woman in a Brown Dress, ca. 1906

    Portrait of a Woman in a Brown Dress, ca. 1906. Oil on paperboard, 98.5 x 74.5 cm
  • Impressions from cemeteries with graves of victims of the Cap Arkona catastrophe

  • 8. Workers at the wood sorting

    Workers at the wood sorting. Peenemünde.
  • Die Friedhofsmauer

    Die Friedhofsmauer, an der die Urnen mit der Asche der Opfer vergraben wurden.
  • Patrick Barteit standing in front of the Tomczak/Galewsky home in Osterfeld in 2018

    Patrick Barteit in front of the Tomczak/Galewsky family house in Ziegelstr. 63b, Osterfeld. 2018
  • Tombstone of the war victims

  • Szene in der Kirche (Kommunion in einer orthodoxen Kirche)/Scena w kościele (Komunia w cerkwi), undatiert

    Szene in der Kirche (Kommunion in einer orthodoxen Kirche)/Scena w kościele (Komunia w cerkwi), undatiert. Öl auf Leinwand, 45,5 x 38 cm, im Auktionshandel (Auktionshaus Ostoya/Dom aukcyjny Ostoya, Wa...
  • Polish graves at the main cemetery in Mannheim

  • On the way from Magdeburg to Berlin the travelers made a short break in the city Genthin for a breakfast.

    On the way from Magdeburg to Berlin the travelers made a short break in the city Genthin for a breakfast.
  • Polish tombstones and memorial plaque

  • 4 June 1989 – From the Lodz edition (2015) of ‘Solidarny zza Muru’

    “Check you voted for the right thing. Can’t see yourself? Well, you’re a post-communist vampire” (a mirror symbolising the millions of Solidarity voters)