Year (field_media_year)
  • Abb. 01: Marian Kruczek (l.) und Andrzej Nowacki

    Marian Kruczek (l.) und Andrzej Nowacki, Krakau 1982
  • Exhibited works by Maria Jarema (1908-1958) and Jerzy Nowosielski (1923-2011)

    From l. to r.: Jarema, Filter XIII, 1954; Nowosielski, Female Swimmer, 1959 and Synthetic Landscape, 1961.
  • Fig. 1: Sergio De Simone

    Sergio De Simone from Naples, around 1943. Yad Vashem Photo Collections, No. 14142831
  • ill. 2: Nathan Diament

    The estate administrator, Nathan Diament, at the opening
  • Tadeusz Nowakowski and Johannes Paul II.

  • Capri-rocks, 1991

    Oil on canvas, 100 x 120 cm, in possession of the artist
  • Jüdischer Friedhof Hannover-Bothfeld

  • Fig. 9: “Here and There” (Hier und dort) 25, 1984

    Black ink on paper, 53x70 cm, private collection
  • Maria Kwaśniewska during the javelin competition, Łódź 1934

    District championship for the town of Łódź in the pentathlon, Maria Kwaśniewska during the javelin competition, Łódź 1934.
  • Ill. 28: The Entombment of Christ, ca. 1645

    Based on a painting by an unknown Master, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.
  • Sonnensturm

    2013, Acrylics on linen, copper and metal discs, copper foil on grey cardboard, 70 x 60 x 15 cm, Installation view: Das Fünfte Element
  • Agata Madejska, 46-48, 2010

    Agata Madejska, 46-48, 2010, lightjet c-type print on Forex and waxed MDF, 119 x 130 x 5 cm. Installation view, Parrotta Contemporary Art, Stuttgart, 2013.
  • Ill. 29: Portrait of Antoni Kamieński, 1899

    Portrait of the painter Antoni Kamieński, 1899. Oil on paperboard, 95 x 49.5 cm
  • Information panel, set up in 2013

    Forced labour under National Socialism in Witten
  • Fig. 61: Czarniecki on Horseback, ca. 1900

    Stefan Czarniecki on Horseback, circa 1900. Oil on canvas, 55 x 45 cm, for auction (Agra Art, 2013)
  • Abb. 2: Karolina Chyżewska, 2020

    Karolina Chyżewska, März 2020
  • Family Photo, Osterfeld in 1930

    The Galewsky, Vinc, Tomczak, Jankowiak, Kobuczyński and Biały families in the house of the Tomczak/Galewsky family in Ziegelstr. 63b, Osterfeld 1930
  • Choral society in Bochum-Hamme, 1910-1939.

    Choral society in Bochum-Hamme in Westphalia, 1910-1939.
  • Der Tod Mariens

    Der Tod Mariens. Illustration zu einem Gedicht von Antoni Malszewski/Śmierć Marii, ilustracja do poematu A. Malczewskiego, 1869. Öl auf Leinwand, 61,5 x 68,5 cm, Nationalmuseum Warschau/Muzeum Narodow...