Year (field_media_year)
  • ill. 7: Photographs

    Historical photographs of J.D. Kirszenbaum and his family
  • The most famous novel "Obóz wszystkich świętych"

    Published in Paris. In German: Polonaise Allerheiligen,1964.
  • Kunsthaus Wiesbaden, 2012

    Exhibition “The space between us”, organiser of the exhibition Ewa Hartmann in front of the “PoKuSa” gallery
  • Jüdischer Friedhof Hannover-Bothfeld

  • Monika Czosnowska: Johanna

    C-print, 78 x 66 cm, Marta Herford Collection.
  • Fig. 14: “Here and There” (Hier und dort) 24, 1984

    Black and white ink on paper, 50x70 cm, private collection
  • Wedding telegram, 1913

    Wedding telegram with two men in national costume and the cartouche with a white eagle, colour print, 1913.
  • Ill. 30: Gate of Honour, 1646

    After Adolf Boy, National Museum of Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie.
  • Arkadiusz Bożek, Vice president of the 1st District of the Union of Poles in Germany, Polish activist in Oppeln / Opole Silesia

    Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, no. 322 from 20/11/1932
  • Agata Madejska, Mistakes Were Made, 2018

    Agata Madejska, Mistakes Were Made, 2018, fabric, steel, nylon fishing line, vinyl, speakers, cables, media player. English, duration: 15:00 min, 600 x 200 x 330 cm.
  • Ill. 34: Portrait of Maria Koźniewska-Kalinowska, 1903

    Portrait of the Painter Maria Koźniewska-Kalinowska, 1903. Oil on canvas, 73 x 53.5 cm
  • Commemorative plaques at the war cemetery

  • 2. V2 rocket on launch pad in Peenemünde.

    V2 rocket on launch pad in Peenemünde.
  • Abb. 7: Kassel, Januar 2011

    Karolina Chyżewska: Entwurf zum Comic-Buch „Fast wie zu Hause“, 2015
  • Jan Józef Tomczak (son of Józef Tomczak) in 1926

    Jan Józef Tomczak (son of Józef Tomczak) in 1926
  • Jan Kiepura bei einer Filmpremiere im Kino "Kurbel" in Berlin, 1935

    Premiere des polnischen Films „Czy Lucyna to dziewczyna“ im Kino „Kurbel“ in Berlin: Eine Gruppe von Premierengästen, u. a. der Sänger Jan Kiepura (mit Rose) und der Schauspieler Eugeniusz Bodo (mit F...
  • Marktplatz – Genreszene/Plac targowy – Scena rodzajowa, 1885

    Marktplatz – Genreszene/Plac targowy – Scena rodzajowa, 1885. Bleistiftzeichnung, laviert, 20 x 33,4 cm, im Auktionshandel (Auktionshaus DESA/Dom Aukcyjny DESA, Krakau, 2017).
  • Tombstones of the Poles

  • Polish guests at the house in the Magdeburg Fortress, where Józef Piłsudski was interned.

    Polish guests at the house in the Magdeburg Fortress, where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • War cemetery in Sandbostel