Year (field_media_year)
  • Karin Stanek at the 12th Festival of Polish Song in Opole

    Karin Stanek at the 12th Festival of Polish Song in Opole, 1974
  • Mentors and Mentees of the project "PolMotion - Bewegung der polnischen Frauen"

    Mentors and Mentees of the project "PolMotion - Bewegung der polnischen Frauen"
  • Italian flower seller

    Munich, oil on canvas, 125 x 87 cm
  • Fig. 72: “People, Borders, Landscapes” (Menschen, Grenzen, Landschaften) 1, 1990

    Black ink, chalk, coloured pencils, acrylic on paper, 21x29 cm, private collection
  • Exhibition room in the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, 1969

    Exhibition room in the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, 1969.
  • Ill. 87e: The letter E, ca. 1662

    From the series Libellus novus elementorum latinorum, after a template by Johann Christian Bierpfaff.
  • Das Mahnmal in Koblenz

    „Gedenkt der Verfolgten, Geschundenen, Ermordeten 1933 – 1945“
  • Kriegsgräberstätte

  • Ill. 31: Fabian, 2013

    Fabian, from the Scouts and Guides series, 2013. C-Print, 45 x 33 cm
  • View into the exhibition of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

    View into the exhibition of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, Oświęcim 2019.
  • In Hannover, 2015

    Mark Forster als musikalischer Gast beim Clubkonzert „Eurovision Song Contest 2015 - Unser Song für Österreich“ in Hannover am 5. März 2015
  • Polish burial ground and the first memorial plaque

  • Dokument Nr. 104/2

    Abschrift der beglaubigten Übersetzung des Taufscheines von A. Topolnicki aus dem Lateinischen ins Deutsch.
  • Abb. 19: Zarnower, Architekturstudie, 1925

    Teresa Żarnowerówna: Architekturstudie, 1925, in: Blok, No. 10, Warschau, April 1925
  • ill. 25: untitled, 2000

    untitled, 2000. Bark, 90 x 90 x 34 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Tombstones with names of the victims of the concentration camp

  • ill.20: Helena Bohle-Szacki, The Beginning of the End, 1992

    Helena Bohle-Szacki, The Beginning of the End, ink on cardboard, 1992
  • Roman Kochanowski with his son Roman Junior

    Roman Kochanowski with his son Roman Junior in his Munich atelier, around 1903, photographer unknown, 13 x 18 cm
  • View of the St. Martin's Church (Kościół św. Marcina) in Wrocław

    View of the St. Martin's Church (Kościół św. Marcina) in Wrocław from the direction of the Oder.
  • German military cemetery in Nowgorod, 2014

    German military cemetery in Nowgorod, 2014