Year (field_media_year)
  • Monument, stone slab at the gate and more tombstones

  • Innenansicht des Hauses in Magdeburg

    Innenansicht des Hauses in Magdeburg, in dem Józef Piłsudski interniert war.
  • Barrack 38 – Washroom

    Marian Stefanowski, Barrack 38 – Washroom, 12 August 2018
  • Begrüßung durch die Pfadfinder

    Begrüßung durch die Pfadfinder, schwarz-weiß Fotografie, 1955, 7,5 x 10,5 cm
  • Fig. 4: Herner address book, 1912

    The Zgorecki family’s address, address book, 1912
  • Exhibition in public space about the Polonia in Wrocław

    Exhibition in public space about the Polonia in Wrocław, organized by the Center for "Future and Remembrance" (Ośrodek Pamięć i Przyszłość) in Wrocław.
  • Fig. 6: Cast steel bell of the Bochumer Verein for the World Exhibition in Paris in 1867

    Cast steel bell of the Bochumer Verein for the World Exhibition in Paris in 1867 in Willy-Brandt-Platz in front of Bochum Town Hall
  • Porträt eines Mädchens, um 1900

    Porträt eines Mädchens, um 1900. Öl auf Leinwand, auf Pappe aufgezogen, 55 x 45 cm
  • Details of the main routes with branches

    Transit routes taken by Polish fighters in the November uprising and the German organisations providing help to Poland 1831 – 1833 (detail). H. Asmus, 1981
  • Michał Więckowski, Solidarność poster

    Michał Więckowski, Solidarność poster to remember the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, 1981
  • Tadeusz Galia in the role of Gimpel

    Tadeusz Galia in the role of Gimpel in the play “Gimpel the Fool” by Isaac Bashevis Singer, Polish Theatre Kiel, August 2018
  • Meyer receives Olivier Messiaen as part of the "Warsaw Autumn" festival

    Between 1985 and 1989 Krzysztof Meyer was the chair of the Association of Polish Composers.
  • Johann III. Sobieski mit Familie, 1691

    Schule Henri Gascar (1635-1701): Johann III. Sobieski umgeben von seiner Familie, 1691. Öl auf Leinwand, 151 x 232 cm, Königsschloss auf dem Wawel/Zamek Królewski na Wawelu, Krakau
  • Building of the former “Polish Church”, Neuvrees, 2015. 

    Building of the former “Polish Church”, Neuvrees, 2015. 
  • With Janusz Nel Siedlecki (links) and Krystyn Olszewski in Munich.

    Authors of the book ‘We were in Auschwitz’.
  • Fig. 6: Room 3. In Dialogue with European Art. (“Silent Rebels” exhibition)

    A. Gierymski, “The Ludwig Bridge in Munich”, 1896/97; W. Czachórski, “Cemetery in Venice”, 1876; W. Pruszkowski, “All Souls”, 1888; J. Pankiewicz, “Cart Loaded with Hay”, 1890; L. Wyczółkowski, “Fishe...
  • Braunschweig Hochstrasse

  • Ill. 59: Stanisław Leszczyński flees in disguise from Gdansk to Marienwerder

    Etching, in: 6 sheets on the history of Poland 1797.
  • Karin Stanek as “Cory Gun” in West Germany

    Karin Stanek as “Cory Gun” in West Germany, 1980
  • Greta Gorgoń

    Greta Gorgoń