Year (field_media_year)
  • St. Pierszkalski, member of ‘Sokół’

    Photo, ca. 1890, Dortmund.
  • Solidarność poster

    Solidarność is still waiting for those guilty of the incidents in Badgoszcz on 19 March 1981 to be punished, Solidarność poster, 1981
  • Abb. 10: Stanisław Kubicki, Moses vor dem brennenden Dornbusch, 1933/34

    Stanisław Kubicki, Moses vor dem brennenden Dornbusch, Öl auf Leinwand, 1933/34
  • Queen Genia (Pamela Geddes) and Trull, the constructor (Michal Milanov)

    Two of the protagonists in the opera Kyberiade in Wuppertal.
  • Maria Kazimira Sobieska mit ihrer Tochter Teresa Kunegunda, um 1690

    Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter (1660-1711, zugeschrieben): Maria Kazimira Sobieska mit ihrer Tochter Teresa Kunegunda
  • Monument to the 200th anniversary of the village, Neuvrees, 2015.

    Monument to the 200th anniversary of the village, Neuvrees, 2015.
  • ill. 1: ‘ON’

    Caricature of Marshal Józef Piłsudski, in: Stanisław Toegel, Album karykatur politycznych, 1932.
  • Watch tower "E"

    Marian Stefanowski, Watch tower "E", next to which is the entrance to the special camp / Zone II, 14 November 2019
  • ill.8: Helena Bohle-Szacki, The Way, 1973

    Helena Bohle-Szacki, The Way, ink on paper, 1973
  • Urkunde über die Ehrenmitgliedschaft Johannes Paul II. beim FC Schalke 04

    Urkunde über die Ehrenmitgliedschaft Johannes Paul II. bei Schalke 04, 1987.
  • The plaque commemorates the Polish students who fought in the January uprising

    The plaque on the main building of the University of Wrocław commemorates the Polish students who fought in the January uprising.
  • Diana and Bruno Neuhamer (Diana Grabowska und Bruno Althamer)

    Dung Ball (that is to be pushed from Orońsko to Weisbaden along a path defined by the stars
  • Porträt Feliks Cichocki/Portret Feliksa Cichockiego, 1887

    Porträt Feliks Cichocki/Portret Feliksa Cichockiego, München 1887. Öl auf Leinwand, 67 x 54 cm
  • Flyer 1830 p. 1

    The Appeal of a Silesian Soldier to his Silesian Comrades before the march to the Polish border.
  • Bodo Hombach, 2018

    Bodo Hombach, chair of the Brost Foundation
  • The strike at the Lenin shipyard in 1980

    The strike at the Lenin shipyard in 1980
  • The collector couple Joanna and Mariusz Bednarski talk about Polish poster art

    Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery in Berlin, September.
  • Pola Negri mit Berliner Filmdirektoren, 1925

    Pola Negri nach ihrer Ankunft im Hotel Adlon, begrüsst von Berliner Filmdirektoren. Berlin, April 1925.
  • Fig. 4: Szymon Buchbinder

    Carl Teufel: Szymon Buchbinder's atelier, Munich 1889
  • ill. 9/6: Old Glory

    In: Hitleriada furiosa, sheet 5.