Year (field_media_year)
  • The collector couple Joanna and Mariusz Bednarski talk about Polish poster art

    Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery in Berlin, September.
  • Pola Negri mit Berliner Filmdirektoren, 1925

    Pola Negri nach ihrer Ankunft im Hotel Adlon, begrüsst von Berliner Filmdirektoren. Berlin, April 1925.
  • Fig. 4: Szymon Buchbinder

    Carl Teufel: Szymon Buchbinder's atelier, Munich 1889
  • ill. 9/6: Old Glory

    In: Hitleriada furiosa, sheet 5.
  • Fig. 23: Room 7. Tradition and Religion (“Silent Rebels” exhibition)

    W. Jarocki: “Hutsuls in the Carpathians”, 1910; “Helenka from Poronin”, 1913; W. Tetmajer: “Musicians in Bronowice”, 1891; T. Axentowicz: “Kołomyjka”, 1895
  • ill. 13: Posing in front of the Ems 2

    The bridge over the Ems in the background.
  • Grave cross for Josef Dunal

    Cemetery in Bruttig
  • Karol Broniatowski vor dem Mahnmal für die Ermordung und Deportation der Juden aus Berlin, 1991

    Karol Broniatowski vor dem Mahnmal für die Ermordung und Deportation der Juden aus Berlin, 1991
  • Ukrainian Hut

    Oil on canvas, 50,5 x 81 cm
  • Fig. 92: “Episodes” (Episoden) E, 2000–2017

    Mixed technique on paper, 15x17.5 cm each, private collection
  • Tenement house "Jaś" on the Wrocław Market Square, 1961

    Tenement house "Jaś" on the Wrocław Market Square, 1961.
  • Ill. 87z: The letter Z, ca. 1662

    From the series Libellus novus elementorum latinorum, after a template by Johann Christian Bierpfaff.
  • The mother of God hands Stanislaus the baby Jesus

    Painting in the St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in Chicago / USA
  • Marian Nowiński, Posters.

    Poster with exhibition notice.
  • Norbert Sarnecki

    Studied at the Warsaw Academy of Art and did his doctorate in sculpture in 2010. He is fascinated by cosmic forms and predominantly creates monumental spatial sculptures.
  • Fig. 12: Antoni Kozakiewicz

    Carl Teufel: Antoni Kozakiewicz's atelier, Munich 1889
  • ill. 9/19: Adolf Thousandyears: Stalingrad will fall, and you can count on it!

    In: My Thanks to the Third Reich, post-1945, pencil, water-coloured, 30.9 x 21 cm.
  • Fig. 36: The Painter’s Inspiration, 1897

    Jacek Malczewski: The Painter’s Inspiration, 1897. Oil on canvas, 79 x 64 cm, MNK II-b-2543, National Museum of Kraków/Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie