Year (field_media_year)
  • Roman Kochanowski, Dorflandschaft [mit Weiden]

    Roman Kochanowski, Dorflandschaft [mit Weiden], 1896, oil on paper, 17.7 x 23 cm
  • Stanisław Dróżdż, Untitled (Uncertainty-Hesitation-Certainty), 1967

    Stanisław Dróżdż, Untitled (Uncertainty-Hesitation-Certainty), 1967, from the series A4. Typoscript auf Papier, 30 x 21 cm
  • Impressions of the cemetery

  • Cinema "Femina"

    In the time of the ghetto, a concert hall with 900 seats was in the building under the same name, in which Marceli Reich wrote his first reviews.
  • Atelier von Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski in München, 1889

    Carl Teufel: Künstleratelier Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski, München 1889. Schwarzweiß-Fotografie vom Glasnegativ, 18 x 24 cm 
  • View of the cemetery, on the right side the chapel

    View of the cemetery, on the right side the chapel. Cemetery Am Perlacher Forst, Munich.
  • Abb. 39: Krassowski, Wachsende Szene, 1926

    Feliks Krassowski: Wachsende Szene, 1926. Bühnenbildentwurf zu dem Theaterstück „Dziady/Totenfeier“ von Adam Mickiewicz, in: Der Sturm, 17. Jahrgang, 3. Heft (Sonderheft Theater), Berlin, Juni 1926, S...
  • ill. 43: Wooden Panel, 2003

    Wooden Panel, 2003. Spruce, charcoaled, Various types of wood, nails, 150 x 150 x 9 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • More graves a the monument at burial ground 35

  • Roman Kochanowski, page from a sketch book

    Roman Kochanowski, page from a sketch book showing two women, a flute player and a peasant’s horse and carriage, pencil on paper, 14.3 x 18.7 cm
  • The barrack 5 of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing

    The barrack 5 of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing was handed over to the municipal department of the City of Munich in 2014 to secure the preservation of the monument.
  • Hamburg, Fischmarkt, 1979

    Hamburg, Fischmarkt, 1979.
  • Roma Stacherska-Jung im Gespräch mit Donald Tusk

    Donald Tusk, Präsident des Europäischen Rates (2014-2019).
  • Premiere on 2nd June

    A scene from the play “Artists should Croak” by Tadeusz Kantor and the Cricot 2 theatre.
  • Abb. 32: Adam und Eva im Paradies, um 1500

    Adam und Eva im Paradies, Altarflügel, um 1500 (oder um 1480/85)
  • Janusz Maria Stefański, 2011

    Janusz Maria Stefański, 2011
  • Ill. 9: Goat, after Alexander Keirincx and Cornelis van Poelenburgh

    Museum Kunstpalast (MKP Glas), Düsseldorf. Cut flat glass on metal construction, 165 x 119 x 45 cm, digital inkjet print on paper.
  • Mitgliedausweis des Bundes der Polen in Deutschland e.V. von Marianna Forycka

    Innenansicht gesamt
  • Abb. 3: Sigismund II. August und Barbara, 1867

    Jan Matejko: Sigismund II. August und Barbara am Radziwiłł-Hof in Vilnius, 1867, Öl auf Leinwand, Nationalmuseum Warschau