Year (field_media_year)
  • Ill. 76: The Vision of Saint Peter, 1655/57

    After a painting by Domenico Fetti, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
  • Geschwister

    Pinselzeichnung, Tusche auf Papier, 47 x 62 cm, 2016
  • Tombstone of Russian prisoners of both World Wars at the cemetery in Großburgwedel

  • Ill. 18: August, 2008

    August, from the Pupils series, 2008. C-Print, 52 x 43 cm
  • "Anti-Semitism is a crime against God and humanity"

    Graffiti with Pope John Paul II in Oświęcim: "Anti-Semitism is a crime against God and humanity", Oświęcim 2019.
  • ill. 22: Tomasz Sarnecki, Solidarność

    Tomasz Sarnecki, Solidarność. W samo poludnie (Solidarność. Twelve o' clock noon), 1989
  • Meet the author evening with Adam Zagajewski

    Meet the author evening with Adam Zagajewski, 1985.
  • Dokument Nr. 96

    Sittlichkeitsbescheinigung, ausgestellt von Pfarrer Marian Świtka aus Durzyn-Wildflecken für Irma Topolnicka am 6.10.1947.
  • Abb. 6: Die Aktion, 1918

    Sonderheft „Polnische Kunst“ der Zeitschrift Die Aktion, 8. Jahrgang, Nr. 21/22, Berlin, 1.6.1918, nach Spalte 260, Bildmotiv von Stanisław Kubicki
  • ill. 14: untitled, 1999

    untitled, 1999. Oak, 132 x 115 x 12 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Commemorative plaques

    Marian Stefanowski, Commemorative plaques for the 183 Polish professors arrested in Kraków on 6 November 1939 and dragged to the concentration camp, 12/08/2018
  • Abb. 7: Plakat zur Veranstaltung in der Topographie des Terrors

    Plakat zur Veranstaltung in der Topographie des Terrors am 27.2.2018
  • Fig. 20: Post-mortem photograph, 1930s

    Photograph of a deceased child, photograph, 1930s
  • The plaque commemorates the Polish students who fought in the January uprising

    The plaque on the main building of the University of Wrocław commemorates the Polish students who fought in the January uprising.
  • View into the exhibition of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

    View into the exhibition of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, Oświęcim 2019.
  • In Hannover, 2015

    Mark Forster als musikalischer Gast beim Clubkonzert „Eurovision Song Contest 2015 - Unser Song für Österreich“ in Hannover am 5. März 2015
  • Polish burial ground and the first memorial plaque

  • Dokument Nr. 104/2

    Abschrift der beglaubigten Übersetzung des Taufscheines von A. Topolnicki aus dem Lateinischen ins Deutsch.
  • Abb. 19: Zarnower, Architekturstudie, 1925

    Teresa Żarnowerówna: Architekturstudie, 1925, in: Blok, No. 10, Warschau, April 1925
  • ill. 25: untitled, 2000

    untitled, 2000. Bark, 90 x 90 x 34 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg