Year (field_media_year)
  • Krzysztof Penderecki

    Composer from Warsaw
  • Photo portrait with her own autograph

    The photographer is unknown.
  • Album de Mai. Scenes romantiques pour piano

    Title page of Paderewski's composition. Op.10, no 1 -5, Berlin, Poznan 1884.
  • Meyer in conversation with Swjatoslaw Richter

    Richter was one of the outstanding pianists of his generation. However, the "Warsaw Autumn" also featured musicians who played instruments in an unconventional and surprising way.
  • With Danuta Karsten, on the occasion of the production of Thomas Godoj's music video ‘Vermisst du nicht irgendwas’

    Exhibition ‘Vernetzungen’ (with Dirk Hupe) in the machine hall of the former Scherlebeck colliery in Herten.
  • Wanda Landowska plays for Leo Tolstoy

    In Yasnaya Polyana, 1907/08, anonymous photo.
  • The pianist, Enno Dugnus

    The pianist, Enno Dugnus.
  • The radio multikulti studio in the Haus des Rundfunks in Berlin.

    From here, the programmes were broadcast on the Berlin frequency FM 106.8 Mhz (later 96.3 Mhz).
  • Jan Kiepura, Singer

    A portrait in stage costume.
  • Karin Stanek’s final album, “Sex”

    Karin Stanek’s final album, “Sex”, 2005
  • With his wife Danuta Gwizdalanka

    Seen through the camera of their friend the pianist Antoinette Van Zabner in the cafe in Kärntner Straße.
  • Poetic Jazz at the Słupsk Piano Festival

    Together with the Polish Philharmonic Orchestra Sinfonia Baltica.
  • Krzysztof Penderecki in his flat in Debica

  • Report on the confiscation of Lewandowska's collection of musical instruments

    Cf. website ‘Looting and Restitution’.
  • Kol Rinnah u-T’fillah

    Title page of the cycle of compositions for the musical organisation of the religious service.
  • Meyer receives Olivier Messiaen as part of the "Warsaw Autumn" festival

    Between 1985 and 1989 Krzysztof Meyer was the chair of the Association of Polish Composers.
  • Poster motif

    ‘V'stärker aus’ tour 2016 - The “Unplugged” show in Munich.
  • Wanda Landowska at the harpsichord in the Rodin Pavilion, Paris

    On the occasion of the memorial service for Eugène Carrière, in the audience the sculptor Auguste Rodin with ladies.
  • Claas Ueberschär on the flugelhorn

  • Katarzyna Myćka at her instrument

    Photo during the concert.