Year (field_media_year)
  • No title

    Karsten, Danuta (*1963 Mała Słońca, lives in Recklinghausen). Paper, wood glue, textile threads, Plexiglass, 50 x 50 cm; Inv. no. 4013.
  • ‘In blue’

    Watercolour, felt-tip pen on paper, 100 x 150 cm.
  • The Banquet near Wierzynek [Uczta u Wierzynka]

    Oil on canvas, 157 x 315 cm
  • Photography exhibition of Jarek Lukaszewicz’s “Berlin-Jeruzalem-Łódź”, Wiesbaden 2014

    from the right: Andrzej Klamt (“Halbtotal Filmproduktion”), Barbara Ahlfeldt (artist and gallery adviser), Elisabeth Springer-Heinze, unknown, Elik Plichta (Radio Darmstadt), unknown
  • Ausstellung im K-Salon

    Berlin-Kreuzberg, 2023
  • ill. 13a: Untitled

    Paper, nylon string, glue, ca. 66,000 paper cards, each 2 x 7 cm, H = 700 cm, W = 800 cm, D = 800 cm, Atrium im Dominohaus, Reutlingen, Danuta Karsten exhibition: Papier bewegt.
  • ill. 10/1: Hitleriada macabra

    Cover. Published by Antoni Markiewicz, Celle/Hamburg 1946. Offset lithograph on a dark-grey passe-partout, 32.5 x 24.5 cm.
  • “Silver tin”

    From the series “Blow Ups”, 2001-2005, photogram, 200 x 260 cm.
  • Fig. 10: “Here and There” (Hier und dort) 10, 1986

    Coloured pencils on paper, 24x32 cm, private collection
  • Cecilia, Barbara and Clare

    Depiction of three saints in the left-hand window of the main choir
  • ill. 15b: Inwentaryzacja/Inventory, 2

    Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej, Zielona Góra.
  • ill. 6: Teresa Murak: Object 3

    Glove, cress, epoxy resin. Museum Jerke, Bochum.
  • ill. 12: untitled, 1999

    untitled, 1999. Basswood, 251 x 140 x 34 cm, National Museum in Stettin/Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie
  • Fig. 42: “Coming, Becoming, Going” (Kommen, werden, gehen) 27, 1993

    Black ink on paper, 42x29.5 cm, private collection

    Video stage design for a dance performance. Premiere: Haus der deutschen Wirtschaft, Berlin 2000.
  • ill. 14: Maria Korsak: Polish Village

    Undated, oil on canvas, 70.5 x 89.2 cm, Kunsthalle Recklinghausen.
  • ill. 44: Wooden Panel, 2003

    Wooden Panel, 2003. Spruce charcoaled, bark, nails, 150 x 150 x 9 cm, Centre for Polish Sculpture, Orońsko/Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej w Orońsku
  • Fig. 74: "’81” 13, 1981

    Pencil, black ink on paper, 16x24 cm, private collection
  • Mieczysław Wasilewski: Posters

    Poster for his solo exhibition in March 2011 in the Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery.
  • Ill. 5: Country house with chapel near Oliva

    Collotype, from: From Berlin to Gdansk.