Year (field_media_year)
  • Moje życie należy do ciebie (PL)

    Historia Anny i Hermanna Scheipersów. Odwaga cywilna i zaufanie Bogu pod dwiema dyktaturami - 29 min
  • Mensura

    Installation view – Measuring the World, CentralTrak, University of Dallas, Texas, US, 2016
  • Fig. 3: Information board on economic migration in the German Empire

    Information board of the City of Bochum on economic migration in the German Empire, with a picture of the Polish association Heiliger Josef in the Dahlhausen district
  • Rezension in der Westfälische Rundschau

    "Reise durch die Wirkungen der Liebe", Rezension in der Westfälische Rundschau, 2008
  • Raczyński-Palais - Radio play by "COSMO Radio po polsku" in English

    In cooperation with "COSMO Radio po polsku" we present radio plays on selected topics of our portal.
  • Foreword by Johannes Rau

    Foreword by Johannes Rau, former Chair of the SPD in North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Andrzej Nowacki in seinem Berliner Atelier, 2018

    Andrzej Nowacki in seinem Berliner Atelier, 2018
  • ill. 1a: Newspaper Figures

    Newsprint, polyester. Diploma exhibition, Antresola, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw.
  • Fragment rozmowy Moniki Stefanek z Ludwikiem Waseckim (po polsku)

    Fragment rozmowy Moniki Stefanek z Ludwikiem Waseckim (po polsku)
  • Kol Rinnah u-T’fillah

    Title page of the cycle of compositions for the musical organisation of the religious service.
  • Fig. 32: Memorial panel for the doctor René Quenouille

    Memorial panel for the doctor René Quenouille from Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, rose garden at the Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg
  • Hannover-Döhren, Stadtfriedhof Seelhorst

  • “Cologne, Hohenzollern bridge”

    From the series “Urban Spaces”, Inkjet photo print, 85 x 240 cm.
  • Anna Gawlikowska, 2013

    “Jungle Girl”, linoleum cut, 73 x 73 cm
  • High-rise building of the Sparkasse on the Market Square in Wrocław, 1988

    High-rise building of the Sparkasse on the Market Square in Wrocław, 1988.
  • Ill. 28b: Michel Auder

    Michel Auder (*1945 Soissons): The Course of Empire, 2017
  • Fig. 18: “Meetings on the Road (II)” (Begegnungen unterwegs) 3, 1999

    Black ink on paper, 30x40 cm, private collection
  • Agata Madejska, Simon says, 2018

    Agata Madejska, Simon says, 2018, coated aluminium, dimensions variable. Installation view, Modified Limited Hangout, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, 2018.
  • Fig. 1: Defence against Menno Simons, 1545

    John à Lasco/Jan Łaski: Defensio Verae semperque In Ecclesia Receptae Doctrinæ De Christi Domini incarnatione, Adversus Mennonem Simonis Anabaptistarum Doctorem, Bonn 1545