Year (field_media_year)
  • Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald

    Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald, 2019
  • Dokument Nr. 137/1

    Karte am Schnürchen mit handschriftlichen Einträgen und Stempeln.
  • Congress of the Youth Section of the Polish-Catholic Societies of Westphalia and Rhineland in Bochum, 1927

    Congress of the Youth Section of the Polish-Catholic Societies of Westphalia and Rhineland in Bochum, 1927.
  • The church cross to the right of the main entrance of St. Mary Magdalene´s Church

    The church cross to the right of the main entrance of St. Mary Magdalene´s Church in Radlin II (Wodzisław Śląski)
  • The teaching staff at the Polish secondary school and lyceum in Maczków (rear side)

    The teaching staff at the Polish secondary school and lyceum in Maczków (rear side), 15th March 1946
  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Brytyjski Cmentarz Wojskowy w Berlinie

    Brytyjski Cmentarz Wojskowy w Berlinie
  • ill. 10: On Top

    atex, H = 200 cm, W= 1400 cm, D = 700 cm, Erich-Brost-Pavillon, Zollverein Colliery, Essen, Danuta Karsten exhibition: Oben.
  • Władysław Szpilmans letzte Ruhestätte

    Das Grab von Władysław Szpilman auf dem Powązki-Friedhof in Warschau.
  • Janina Szarek, 1990s

    Janina Szarek, 1990s
  • Ill. 11a: Lynx, after a sketchbook page by Albrecht Dürer

    Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY. Cut flat glass on metal construction, 86 x 50 x 60 cm.
  • Central window in the right side choir

    Transfiguration of St. Joseph as patron saint of the Catholic Church
  • 5. Alicja Kwade, Megasubstance (Detail), Rohkunstbau XXV, 2020.

    Alicja Kwade, Megasubstance (Detail), Rohkunstbau XXV, 2020.
  • Frauen-„Sokół“ in Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1912

    Schwarz-weiße Postkarte des Weiblichen Turnvereins „Sokół” (Falke), Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1912
  • ill. 9/5: The Day of Reckoning

    In: Hitleriada furiosa, sheet 4.
  • 55. Budynki tzw. Kö-Bogen w Düsseldorfie

    Budynki tzw. Kö-Bogen w Düsseldorfie
  • Ferdinand Matuszek in Rehme

    Ferdinand Matuszek auf dem Hof der Körtners in Rehme, 2013.
  • ill. 9: By the river Ems

    In Maczków.
  • Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (1755-1842): Fürstin Luise Radziwill, geborene Friederike Dorothea Luise Philippine von Preußen, 1801

    Öl auf Leinwand, 80,5 x 64 cm, Privatsammlung. In der Ausstellung Vigée Le Brun. Woman Artist in Revolutionary France, The Met Fifth Avenue, New York, 2016