Year (field_media_year)
  • Entwurf für das Gebäude „Polski Żagiel“ in Danzig

    Entwurf für das Gebäude „Polski Żagiel“ in Danzig
  • Ill. 2a: The Arnolfini Wedding after Jan van Eyck

    Private collection. Metal, glass, dog: 43 x 48 x 26 cm, shoes: 15 x 38 x 35 cm.
  • Children from immigrant miners’ families in a colliery settlement street

    Recklinghausen-Suderwich (postcard)
  • Bust of Zbigniew Herbert in Kielce

    Bust of Zbigniew Herbert in Kielce. Sculptor: Arkadiusz Latos.
  • Susanna Fels, 2018

    Susanna Fels in her living studio in Berlin-Grunewald, 2018
  • With Janusz Nel Siedlecki (links) and Krystyn Olszewski in Munich.

    Authors of the book ‘We were in Auschwitz’.
  • Abb. 39: The Whole Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel

    The Whole Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel. 
  • Ausweisung jüdischer Polen aus Nürnberg

    Ausweisung jüdischer Polen aus Nürnberg.
  • Ill. 56: The Grand Master of the Teutonic Order let interrogate Luther

    Etching, in: Six Prints on the history of Poland (Conclusion), 1797.
  • Fig. 29: Exhibition view

    From left: Sławomir Elsner: Waldinneres bei Mondschein, 2019 (after Friedrich); Der Schmetterlingsfänger, 2021 (after Spitzweg)
  • Meeting of the Central Executive Committee or the General Council of the Polish Socialist Party

    Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London. First from the right: Tadeusz Podgórski, third from the left: Jacek Kowalski
  • Fig. 7 Page without entry

    Handwritten note "Ruhrknappschaft in Bochum, Niemcy" on the inside of the cover.
  • Abb. 43: Łukasz Patelczyk

    Red Glass With Silenced Landscape, 2022. Öl auf Leinwand, 120 x 100 cm
  • Abb. 18: Wandfenster XII/2, 1998

    Wandfenster XII/2, 1998. Acryl, Pigmente, Druckfarbe, Styrodur, 65 x 65 x 5 cm, Privatbesitz
  • Ill. 58: Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski, 1653

    After a painting by Daniel Schultz, National Library of Warsaw/Biblioteka Narodowa w Warszawie.
  • Wiesław Smętek, Nowak

    Cover design for the text by Marek Firlej, 2023
  • Fig. 34: Snippets of conversation, 1931

    Snippets of conversation. In: Jugend, 36th Edition, Munich 1931, No. 29, page 457
  • Ill. 54: Portrait of a Lady, ca. 1922

    Portrait of a Lady with a Threefold Pearl Necklace, ca. 1922. Oil on paperboard, 80 x 65 cm
  • Exhibition ‘Decolonization’ at the UN headquarters

    New York, 1988