Year (field_media_year)
  • Happening von Tadeusz Kantor, Warschau 1968

    Happening von Tadeusz Kantor, Warschau 1968.
  • Konzert zum 65. Geburtstag von Janusz Stefański, Frankfurt 2011

    Konzert zum 65. Geburtstag von Janusz Stefański
  • “Płaskorzeźby dyletanta” [The Bas-Relief of a Dilettante]

  • Abb. 11: Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Osnabrück

    Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Osnabrück.
  • Abb. 20: Ausstellungsansicht

    Ansicht der Ausstellung „Malerfürsten“, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, 2018/19
  • Ill. 28: Lunch with the prince primate

    Collotype, from: From Berlin to Gdansk.
  • Fig. 1: From the series entitled “Slawomir”, 1999

    Photograph, 12.5 x 19 cm
  • Meppen-Groß Fullen, Kriegsgräberstätte

  • „Mein,/mój/my Amsterdam” - Impressive parade of sailing ships on the banks of the Ij

    Around the main station, watercolour painting.
  • Abb. 15: Paweł Wocial/Kamila Tuszyńska

    Look at me, 2011. Polyesterharz, Acryl, Seidenleinen, Schmuck, Kunststoff, Gummi, 211 x 320 x 76 cm
  • The Schalke team 1937

    The Schalke team 1937
  • Ill. 29d: John, ca. 1645

    Based on a work by Pieter van Mol, Teylers Museum, Haarlem.
  • Railway embankment in Bruttig

    Across which the prisoners had to march to the tunnel, with information panel omitting this chapter in history
  • Fig. 7: In the Beth Hamidrasch, ca. 1925

    In the Beth Hamidrasch, ca. 1925. Etching, 15 x 12 cm, owned by the family
  • Ill. 26: Two Children on the Stairs, ca. 1898

    Two Children on the Stairs, ca. 1898. Oil on paperboard, 102 x 75 cm
  • Emilia Dukszyńska-Dukszta, Die beiden Rivalinnen und der Wildhüter. Süddeutsche Charaktere

    München 1884. Öl auf Leinwand, 95 x 81,5 cm (Rahmen 117,5 x 105 x 11,5 cm), Nationalmuseum Warschau
  • Fig. 47: Victorious Cossacks, 1893

    Victorious Cossacks (Victorious Return), 1893. Oil on canvas, 155.5 x 98.4 cm, for auction (Sotheby’s, 2008)
  • The picture cycle vertically aligned in the visitor foyer of the Reichstag building

    The picture cycle vertically aligned in the visitor foyer of the Reichstag building, Berlin 2019.
  • Dokument Nr. 51/1

    Requisition for Check-Formblatt mit handschriftlichen Eintragungen auf Vorder- und Rückseite.